Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

[Man] is right. I have been diabolically lied to. I have been told that:
❌ If I have a family, I am not committed to my career
❌ If I have a career, I am not committed to my family
❌ Motherhood=100% fulfilling
❌ My ideas actually originated w/the man who said them after I did

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Heads up for people compiling #OpenBSD -current (as opposed to snapshots), remember to restart sshd after installing, or risk locking yourself out.

#OpenSSH sshd(8) has now been split up into two separate binaries, sshd and sshd-session, with more changes pending.

djm@ modified src/usr.bin/ssh/*: Start the process of splitting sshd into separate binaries. This step splits sshd into a listener and a session binary. More splits are planned.

After this changes, the listener binary will validate the configuration, load the hostkeys, listen on port 22 and manage MaxStartups only. All session handling will be performed by a new sshd session binary that the listener fork+execs.

This reduces the listener process to the minimum necessary and sets us up for future work on the sshd-session binary.

feedback/ok markus@ deraadt@

Also only on #OpenBSD, this new sshd-session binary gets relinked on boot, as with sshd.

deraadt@ modified src/usr.bin/ssh/sshd-session/Makefile: construct and install a relink-kit for sshd-session
ok djm

deraadt@ modified src/etc/rc: run the sshd-session link kit also

Lou Katz boosted

I’m pretty sure we should blanket repeal the pardon power at every level.

It doesn’t even make sense in a rule of law system.

Lou Katz boosted

Democrats ask America's most corrupt Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, if he would be kind enough, pretty please, to explain more about his corruption...

He is, of course, not explaining anything -- and daring anyone to do something about it.


Lou Katz boosted

If you encourage not voting for Biden, especially as if that is a noble and compassionate thing to do (like, bc he hasn't stopped the Gaza genocide), you are contributing to the death of democracy not just in the USA, but globally.

Grow the fuck up: you won't get what you want by taking your toys and stomping off the playground.

Lou Katz boosted

The great thing about file formats is that there are so many to choose from.

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Lou Katz boosted

Black Lives Matter protests often pitted demonstrators against police in 2020 − but not in every city.

Protests in cities with police departments led by Black women tended to be peaceful.

#BLM #Protests @blackmastodon

Lou Katz boosted

@lou @mark @lauren
Because we voluntarily acquiesced to that control, exchanging a moment of convenience for a lifetime of regret.

Lou Katz boosted

@WolfIsMe I have an Ubuntu server running comfortably in 4 GB. In fact, it's my #Mastodon instance, among other things.

Lou Katz boosted

The “free but has ads” fallacy: if I can’t afford your paid tier I certainly can’t afford to buy anything from the ads you’re blasting at me. The only ones who actually benefit from this model are ad companies themselves, not the advertisers and certainly not the end user. #enshittification #youtube

Lou Katz boosted

4 years ago, an exec for a top PPE producer testified to Congress that in Jan 2020 (as fear of covid began to spread) his firm offered to ramp up production to make 1.7 million N95 masks available to the public per week.

The Trump admin said no.

Lou Katz boosted

@NathanZimriBorgman @pluralistic "forcing me into bankruptcy won’t actually get you the money you need to settle a big claim — it’ll just ruin my life"

This behaviour is intentional and premeditated, and not merely lawyers "eliminating liability": it is engineered to create a hostile environment which instills fear and subservience to make independent contractors afraid to exercise *any* of their legal rights. It's designed to turn craftspeople into serfs.

Lou Katz boosted

@mhoye @yhancik @darius Your gender should have at least two digits and two special characters

Lou Katz boosted

@yhancik @darius The old thinking was that you should be rotating your gender every 90 days for security reasons but that’s proven to be an ineffective approach. Modern best practices are to use a unique and complex gender for every interaction, to avoid repetition and store them in a secure gender manager. This makes it easier to change genders when one relationship is compromised, and protects you against gender-stuffing attacks.

Lou Katz boosted

We must recognize and fight legislation like KOSA that’s pushing us to cede our power, privacy, and control over our health care and free expression, EFF’s @ericabp writes in TheAdvocate. advocate.com/voices/erica-port

Lou Katz boosted

@mark @lauren
Google locked me out of my Chromebook once and I was unable to recover. I will never use a Chromebook again.

Lou Katz boosted

@workingclasshistory I don't think people will ever understand how important knowledge of events like these from the past are.
People ask all the time how could that have happened? How do such fascist come to power?
The answer is as it always has been, by the welcoming embrace of those too greedy to care.

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