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Lou Katz boosted

We had no idea “Democracy Dies in Darkness” was a mission statement.

Lou Katz boosted

Trump: The King of Hate: The attempt to get around the Constitution on birthright citizenship by claiming the U.S. doesn't have "jurisdiction" over undocumented immigrants is total bull. The clear intent was to exclude the children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity. If the U.S. didn't have "jurisdiction" over undocumented immigrants, they couldn't be arrested, charged with crimes, jailed, etc. And obviously, that's not the case. So many hateful people -- and they all love Trump because he's the King of Hate.

Lou Katz boosted

Because this is the talk of the #internet again: you don't preserve digital media by stuffing the One True Version in an #archive. Make countless copies and scatter them to the wind. Make each a different format. You don't know which of them will still be readable next decade, so *don't try to guess*.

That goes for analog media too. The Library of Alexandria contained copies. Many classic paintings only survived as copies.

Copying is how life itself beats death. Embrace it.

Lou Katz boosted

The peculiar tragedy of X is that it has made one nostalgic for Twitter - rather like missing a toothache while experiencing electrocution.

Lou Katz boosted

Buried in a story about yet another Elsevier journal editorial board resigning en masse (Journal of Human Evolution,, there is an alarming new development in Elsevier's publication practices:

"In fall of 2023, for example, without consulting or informing the editors, Elsevier initiated the use of AI during production, creating article proofs devoid of capitalization of all proper nouns (e.g., formally recognized epochs, site names, countries, cities, genera, etc.) as well italics for genera and species. These AI changes reversed the accepted versions of papers that had already been properly formatted by the handling editors. This was highly embarrassing for the journal and resolution took six months and was achieved only through the persistent efforts of the editors. AI processing continues to be used and regularly reformats submitted manuscripts to change meaning and formatting and require extensive author and editor oversight during proof stage."

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

***** Lauren's Blog: [What say you, Spock?] My Proposed Terminology to Describe Bypassing Social Media Face ID Age Verification Systems *****

All the talk now is about using AI-based mechanisms to authenticate social media users as being not underaged for access, through analysis of their faces on video feeds. The multitude of ways in which this could fail in both directions (declaring faces either older than they really are, or younger than they really are, not to mention how you determine from a face if someone is 15.5 or 16 years old when the minimum age required for access is 16) are far too many to even list here.

But given all of the attention, I feel that we need terminology to quickly describe the entire area of bypass techniques targeting these age verification/gating systems.

I propose the term:


As in, "The 11-year-old easily baloked the system and gained quick access."


The free software was capable of baloking the ID portal within seconds to bypass the age restrictions.

BALOK is an acronym for:

Bypassing Age Locked Online Keys

Of course, fans of the original "Star Trek" already know what's really going on.

Balok was an alien in the first season of "Star Trek" from an episode called "The Corbomite Maneuver". In appearance he was a very young, vulnerable child. But in his audio and video communications with the Enterprise ship, he employed an artificial booming voice and what turned out to be a menacing appearing puppet to fool the Enterprise crew into fearing him.

The parallels with the current face ID age verification systems are obvious.

Children will be baloking the social media age gating systems in a myriad number of ways, while adults who were supposed to have access will be blocked due to both face analysis errors and technology access problems. Not everyone uses smartphones with cameras to access social media, and many people rightly fear sending video images of their faces to these or other firms due to justifiable concerns about potential abuses.

I anticipate both freeware baloking software and baloking as a (largely free) service. Kids will band together in groups to develop new baloking techniques. They are extremely resourceful when it comes to these areas, more so than the vast majority of adults.

Balok knew that it was easy to fool his potential adversaries with a faked persona. The ingenuity of kids today pretty much guarantees that their own efforts to balok the social media firms, and in essence the politicians who pushed age blocks in the first place, will be even more successful in the real world.


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@pluralistic I knew someone who worked for McKinsey. I’ve also known several Scientologists. What I’ve learned from both of these associations is that no matter how deep you dive to write an exposé into either of these cults, the truth is much, much, much, much, … much worse.

Lou Katz boosted

Reminder: If you want your holy infant to be both tender and mild, start preheating your oven now.

Lou Katz boosted

The Government Accountability Office's new report concludes that Customs & Border Protection hasn't written key privacy-protecting policies for some of its main surveillance systems.

Lou Katz boosted

"the three wise guys" is what we call them in NYC. They bring bagels, Nathan's hotdogs and cronuts the most precious things for the baby Jesus. One is from Queens, one from The Bronx and one from Brooklyn.

There are no wise guys in SI. That one got lost.

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Lou Katz boosted

I’ll be honest, hearing SEO people complain about the state of Google now is like hearing an arsonist complain that they just can’t get the quality of kerosene they used to.

Lou Katz boosted

who decided on the name Secret Santa when Nondisclosure Claus was right there for the taking

Lou Katz boosted

You know how modern Google produces AI slop summaries of searches and links to "google amp" cached pages instead of the real site? Spotify went "hold my beer":

Spotify now has its own content farms they prioritize to the point grammy winning songs get fewer plays than individual instances of their in-house muzak. And the article says their CEO makes more than Taylor Swift.


Lou Katz boosted

Finland implies the existent of synland synackland and ackland

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Lou Katz boosted

"Your enemy cares not that the maintainer of an Internet-connected server left 10 years ago." - Sun Tzu

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