Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

"Your enemy cares not that the maintainer of an Internet-connected server left 10 years ago." - Sun Tzu

Lou Katz boosted

"A lesser-known factor has exacerbated the energy crisis this year: In February Israel blew up two gas pipelines in Iran as part of its covert war with the country."

*Well, how Ukrainian of them #fossilfuelwar


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

When you think about it, aren't microplastics just fairy dust from the petroleum fairy?

Lou Katz boosted

I would now like to sum up my experience of nearly 50 non-expert years of using computers and the internet:

Plaintext, wherever possible, FTW.

Lou Katz boosted

Man, corporations really want to put a stop to libraries:


"Depending on the title, public libraries may pay two or three times more for an e-book than they pay for its print edition. In some cases, the e-book may be up to six times the price, librarians told CBC."

"Those publishers ... will often license copies of e-books for just 12 or 24 months. Once that licence expires, libraries must repurchase access to the same book." #canada #cdnpoli #books

Lou Katz boosted

Every SCOTUS case in which C (for "Corruption") Thomas cast a deciding vote should be considered tainted and invalid, serving neither as persuasive nor as precident.


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

it's funny how Neal Stephenson's "In the Beginning... Was the Command Line" he talked about how if Apple made cars they'd have sealed hoods. He said that in 1999, before Apple started selling phones they literally glued together

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