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Lou Katz boosted

According to Defending Rights and Dissent, @rightsdissent over 3,000 people have received over $150 million in total settlements for injuries caused by police during the George Floyd protests in 2020.

Lou Katz boosted

If you live in the UK or USA, you need to understand one thing about the coming election:

You need to vote *defensively*.

Neither of the main parties are appealing. But if you don't vote for the lesser evil you may end up helping a totalitarian horror get elected.

Hold your nose and goddamn vote, dammit. THEN go on protests. Because if you don't vote for the lesser evil, the victor will welcome your protests with bullets.

The prize for political purity this time round is a shallow grave.

Lou Katz boosted

With Trump slurring his words again at his speech in the Bronx last week, and more unhinged rants on Truth Social over Memorial Day after standing there cluelessly saluting during “Amazing Grace,” it feels more essential than ever that we get the word out about the danger that Trump’s mental decline poses.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Hoping for a Mad Max movie where they run out of fuel and vehicles and they're forced to chase each other on bicycles.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@SteveBellovin Keep it. The way things are going, after The Fall RS-232 is all we'll have left. If we're lucky.

Lou Katz boosted

@ricmac @pluralistic @judell the entire Ziff-Davis downloads archive of DOS shareware/freeware software is unavailable forever because of legacy DRM

Lou Katz boosted

NYT: Have E-Bikes made New York streets a nightmare?
Not mentioned until end of article: The automobiles that make New York streets a nightmare.

Lou Katz boosted

There is an absolute collapse of the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. Representative Jamie Raskin

My comments: Theocratic fascist judges make rulings with no basis in law. #Alito must be removed.

Absolute Collapse of the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court.


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Cities across the US have settled more than 130 police misconduct lawsuits from the George Floyd protests and paid nearly $150m to protesters. "The basic function of protest policing remains abusive, politically motivated, and immune from accountability."

Lou Katz boosted

I’m just gonna say it — this “Genocide Joe” thing is the dumbest fucking liberal shit I have seen in years.

Joe Biden can do more to *try* to rein in Israel, but Biden doesn’t run Israel. He isn’t CIC for IDF. He isn’t deciding what hospital to bomb. He isn’t deciding what border crossings to close.

You know who is pushing the Genocide Joe narrative? The fucking Russians and the Israelis. Why is that? Well, it’s an election year, and Trump is a hard right, pro-Israel puppet.

Lou Katz boosted

Releasing products that you know are creating fakes is deeply irresponsible. 3 lies from Google’s GenAI: Barack Obama is a muslim. Put glue in your pizza to avoid the cheese from sliding. Eat rocks for your health. Google, OpenAI and Microsoft all warn that their products are ‘hallucinating’, and thus try to avoid responsibility and put it on the user, while knowing that most humans will eat all the lies they cannot detect immediately. GenAI is the epitome of Trump.

Lou Katz boosted

On what planet are families shopping legitimate military targets?

Russia bombing this Ukrainian supermarket is far from their first war crime, but serves as another reminder why it is imperative that Ukraine wins. And imperative we provide Ukraine with all military and economic support necessary to defeat what can only be described as an evil and aggressive regime.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

I cannot get over how many times in recent years the Washington Post had to decide *not* to share that they knew the Alito household flew an upside-down flag in the immediate aftermath of Jan 6 before reporting it today.

Lou Katz boosted

Law Dork - - In a series of paragraphs that are up there as being among the most shocking I have read in my journalistic career, #WashingtonPost acknowledged on Saturday they hid #Alito article for 3 yrs and dropped it in the middle this holiday week, more than a week after NYT report, that they had known about the flag since at least January 20, 2021, and had not revealed knowledge of it until May 25, 2024. complicit #insurrection #democracy #MAGA

Lou Katz boosted

The thing about #China’s encirclement of #Taiwan is that I cant imagine it’s a good strategy to place your naval forces ringed around an island of anti-ship missiles, with half of those forces sandwiched between Taiwan and potential intervening allied forces.

Don’t threaten me with a good time, ya know?


Lou Katz boosted

* progressive DAs have been recalled, and NYC has 1000s of more cops than it had before.

* Entire DEI programs have been shut down at major universities.

* The FBI basically rebooted COINTELPRO, labelling and surveilling young black people who participated in the BLM protests as "Black identity extremists."

* There has been no meaningful legislation passed to identify cops like Chauvin before they commit murder, and remove them from service. There's been no meaningful change in accountability

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