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Lou Katz boosted


Chaos in Paris as protesters RIOT and set fire to the city after the far-right Le Pen party won today's French elections.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews

Lou Katz boosted

"If a President is immune from prosecution, he's not a President, but rather a dictator the likes of Putin or Un!"
- Aure

Is Trump immune from criminal prosecution? Supreme Court will decide major question today
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

Lou Katz boosted

@mattblaze I really don't want the word "extrajudicial" to come into common use.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

So I hope, and if I were the praying kind, pray that the Biden campaign is looking at these questions closely and frankly, and makes an informed decision quickly enough to maximize the chances that Trump is defeated. I wish I had the data and analytical capability that they have access to, but I realize I don't. That's frustrating, but it's also reality.

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Lou Katz boosted

My opinion is that Biden should do whatever maximizes the chances that Trump is kept out of the White House, because I *do* know quite a bit about about Trump and his plans for that office. He is a fascist monster, who has promised "retribution" and has a track record that amply proves where he stands. This is not a close call.

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Lou Katz boosted

Should Biden drop out based on his debate performance? I don't know. Answering that sensibly requires two things that are not currently publicly known:

- The actual state of Biden's health, with an informed prognosis.

- If he's fit (see above, I don't know), the political landscape, based on highly granular polling data and informed analysis.

I'm neither an MD nor a political analyst, and I've neither examined Biden nor have access to the kinds of political data that campaigns use.

Lou Katz boosted

Can everyone who's subscribed to and giving the NYT money please start giving it to ProPublica instead? These things matter, the NYT is not your friend unless fascism is your thing.

Lou Katz boosted

@washingtonpost has no opinion pieces asking why a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and fraudster whose election will lead to the implementation of Project 2025 and a Christian theocracy should withdraw.

Yet they have FIVE opinion pieces on Biden’s candidacy. It is infuriating what the national media chooses *not* to cover or emphasize.

#Election2024 #democracy #vote

Lou Katz boosted

"So – just to be clear, the Supreme Court wants nothing to be regulated except for women's and girl's bodies?"

Jena Friedman

Lou Katz boosted

it's fucked up that in the united states there are so many jobs that require tips to make a living wage. like baristas and supreme court justices

Lou Katz boosted

Publishers want to control public libraries, or outlaw them.

Here's how they demonstrated pure bad faith in a working group that is trying to accommodate a host of interests -- including readers and researchers.

h/t @maria

Lou Katz boosted

I thought this piece from Harvard Law Review was excellent:

“I don’t necessarily think the Court’s new majority is doing this intentionally, aggregating power for its own sake. A more plausible explanation is that a newfound conservative majority is simply doing whatever it wants in the cases before it, consistent with a particularly strong form of the legal realist idea that judges just implement their own policy preferences.”

Lou Katz boosted

Anyone who calls for Biden to drop out now but did not call for Trump to drop out when he was convicted of 34 felony counts is a quisling, a collaborator, and a traitor to America.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

In days, the Supreme (Rulers) Court will issue a decision on whether presidents have immunity from crimes their commit in office. Here's my bet on the outcome:

They want right wing Republicans to have immunity, but not Democrats. So they'll kick it back to the lower courts, and then decide after the election based on their blatantly plain preferences. (Law? What's that?)

Lou Katz boosted

Big Journalism unsurprisingly botched the meaning of the Supreme Court's wiping out of the Chevron precedent. Two excellent small outlets -- @thenation and Talking Points Memo -- -- understood the staggering truth:

First, it's an unprecedented power grab by the court, taking authority away from the other two branches.

Second, it's designed to cripple regulation that makes our lives safer.

Lou Katz boosted

I would be much more comfortable with the Times' obvious anti-Biden stance if the organization would simply come out of the closet and acknowledge what it is doing: transmitting a world view through its journalism.

It is possible -- indeed IMO essential -- for journalists to be activists on some issues.

I wish the Times' activism would be directed toward saving democracy, and by extension freedom of speech.

That's not what the org is doing, which is the most disheartening part of this.

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Lou Katz boosted

worldbuilding a dystopian future where Earth is divided into six numbered regions, and seeing how long it takes people to realize they’re DVD regions

Lou Katz boosted

Seems inescapable now -- in the wake of the New York Times' campaign, on both the editorial and news pages, to discredit Biden in every way -- that the institution has abandoned even the pretense of honest journalism.

Yes, Biden stunk up the joint in Atlanta, and his performance raised some legitimate questions.

But the Times continues to relentlessly normalize Trump's metastasizing evil. This is a choice. The bosses made that choice, and the journalists gladly went along.

Immeasurably sad.

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