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Lou Katz boosted

Fedi meta, false accusations 

Woke up in UTC+1 to discover that my instance has been blocked by [ETA: and then unblocked? I feel crazy]

Am hearing it's because we're accused of antisemitism.

I'm a "wrong-half" American Ashkenazi Jew (four patrilineal great-grandparents lived in "rootless cosmopolitan" Bialystok).

I reject the idea that murder by Israelis must be supported by all Jews, or that opposing this murder is somehow a condemnation of Judaism.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Really hate to see Harris endorsing a terrible Trump tax proposal. Pure pandering -- no panacea for workers in a crappy system, and bad for America's economic health.

Lou Katz boosted

It's bad enough to shame people for voting based on the primary issue of stopping genocide, but it's even worse to claim they're a "one issue voter."

The money being spent on bombing Gaza could be spent on paying our teachers, funding our healthcare, fixing our roads, or making college affordable. But instead its being used to kill innocent children.

Stopping genocide isn't one issue. It's literally every issue.

Lou Katz boosted

I started building a website on @glitchdotcom but it's "glitched" on Brave. Just brings up a blank page. If you tell me to switch Browsers I will block you because that wasn't the point. Why is it glitched on Brave? Works on Safari, but I refuse to use Safari.

Lou Katz boosted

Flojaune Cofer, an epidemiologist and Sacramento mayoral candidate, wants to confront homelessness and gun violence by solving their root causes rather than ramping up criminalization. "It’s one thing to fight a symptom, it’s another thing to eradicate a disease."

Lou Katz boosted

Dear Californians offended by Newsom’s new anti-homeless evil policy and actions: Here’s where to complain.

I just wrote that I would never vote for him for president, if he ever runs, because he is clearly heartless and that he should be ashamed and cannot call himself a liberal ever again.

Lou Katz boosted

Masks keep you safe.

Vaccines work.

Never Again means Never Again, no matter who does it.

Global Warming is real.

Billionaires are an existential threat to society.

This is just your periodic reminder that you are sane and the gaslighting isn't working on you.

Lou Katz boosted

Between October 7 and November 14 2023, 9,500 takedown requests were sent from the Israeli authorities to social media platforms, of which 60 percent went to Meta with a reported 94% compliance rate.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Trump couldn't land his plane in Bozeman yesterday because he owes the airport $12,000 and the police department $58,000 from 2020.

This is also why he's not having rallies in the swing states. He hasn't paid any of the venues or local governments.

That's why he did his "press conference" from Mar A Lago. 😂

Lou Katz boosted

Inside of you, there are two wolves, a horse, a cow, a goat, a dog, a cat, a bird, a spider and a fly. But I don't know why you swallowed the fly. Perhaps you'll die.


Lou Katz boosted

I have no words. A police officer drove at 74 MPH in a 25 MPH zone without sirens, struck and killed a person in a crosswalk, got away with a second-degree negligent driving and a $5,000 fine, failed to pay the fine, and is now contesting the citation. He didn't even have a valid driver's license when the incident occurred. And he is still employed by SPD.

#DefundThePolice #DefundSPD #SeattlePolitics

Lou Katz boosted

@mhd The nice thing about working with older OS's:

There are books.
Books are cheap.
After you go on a holiday, the OS is still the same


Lou Katz boosted

Special shout-out to the design genius who decided that “clean face free of any controls or display” is an important feature for dishwashers, making it so that I have to open (and thus stop) the running dishwasher to see how much time is left.

Textbook Lawful Evil, well done, I hate it.

Lou Katz boosted

"July 7 to 13 was the week #Pornhub, the most popular pornography website in the U.S., restricted access to its content throughout #Kentucky in response to a new state law. Kentuckians in that July week showed more interest in the search term #VPN than in any other week over the past 17 years"

Lou Katz boosted

"A #journalist’s right to obtain and publish stolen #documents is meaningless if they can’t “possess” them. It’s not the first time the government has come up with nonsensical ways to circumvent #Bartnicki"

Lou Katz boosted

"Evidently, one out of every two Americans wishes they had fewer civil liberties,” said FIRE’s Chief Research Advisor Sean Stevens. “Many of them reject the right to assemble, to have a free press, and to petition the government". #FirstAmendment

Lou Katz boosted

"Evidently, one out of every two Americans wishes they had fewer civil liberties,” said FIRE’s Chief Research Advisor Sean Stevens. “Many of them reject the right to assemble, to have a free press, and to petition the government". #FirstAmendment

Lou Katz boosted

“It’s a blank check for abuse because it has a very broad scope for domestic and cross-border spying and surveillance and a lack of robust checks and balances,” EFF’s Katitza Rodriguez told @AP of the disastrous #UNCybercrimeTreaty.

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