Presumably on the affected Blue Cross Blue Shield forms there will be a choice:
1) Patient is willing to pay for anesthesia that exceeds specified time periods for surgery
2) Patient is willing to have anesthesia terminated during surgery that exceeds specified time periods, and certifies willingness to instead scream in agony.
News: AWS announces $1 billion cloud credit for AI startups
Experienced AWS IT person: That's equivalent to 3 whole days of usage for inexperienced devs who leave overprovisioned resources up and running, causing higher monthly AWS bills.
Amazon workers: Reading this from the warehouses where they get 2 candies as a bonus for months of overtime work and a bottle to pee in.
Murdered Insurance CEO Had Deployed an AI to Automatically Deny Benefits for Sick People
#insurance #InsuranceCEO #brianthompson #unitedhealthcareceo #unitedhealthcare #healthinsurance #denydefenddepose
I’m reading the book referenced here, “Defying Hitler,” an autobiography by pseudonymous Sebastian Haffner about his experiences as a child in Germany in WWI through the rise of the Nazis, focusing on 1933. It articulates many of my feelings about modern USA. I hear the dehumanizing and violent rhetoric, otherization, and lawful reversal of rights. I see the complacency and mass mindset. Read it! Be prepared for your character tests. Wow.
From: @xankarn
"Of the more than 75,000 gunfire alerts the city’s #ShotSpotter system has generated since 2015, the New York City Police Department was only able to confirm that 16.57 percent of them were actual gunfire, as opposed to fireworks, construction, or other loud sounds"
"Of the more than 75,000 gunfire alerts the city’s #ShotSpotter system has generated since 2015, the New York City Police Department was only able to confirm that 16.57 percent of them were actual gunfire, as opposed to fireworks, construction, or other loud sounds"
The Canadian #border is sprouting the same #surveillance towers as the Southern border with Mexico.
"The action proposed by the #CFPB is aimed, Chopra says, at stopping #databrokers from “enabling scammers, stalkers and spies undermining our personal safety and America's national security.”
Default (noun): Initial configuration settings of a system or application designed to take advantage of users' ignorance and/or confusion regarding the operations of the system or application, to benefit the provider of the system or application -- often implemented in manners that are relatively hidden and difficult for users to change.
In a secret chamber buried deep within Earth's outer core, a gigantic robot named Unix is counting to 2.15 billion. There he has sat undisturbed since January 1, 1970. Unix is up to 1.7 billion. He's very tired, but he must count. One day, 14 years from now, he will have counted to the highest number imaginable. Boiling water will no longer make steam. The moon will emit a Glow That Is Not Light. Out of volcanoes, the winged beasts will emerge. And Unix will finally know what it is to rest
"The artificial intelligence community has prioritized verisimilitude at the expense of veracity. They didn’t have to do that; it was a choice, perhaps influenced by Alan Turing’s idea that an intelligent machine should be able to impersonate a human."
The result: "an endless supply of plausible bullshit"
An important thing about Elon Musk that’s widely known in tech circles but perhaps not in the wider world: he’s an ignoramus.
His technical knowledge is shallow and careless, full of parroting and fantasizing.
People who’ve worked on the small amount of code he actually wrote long ago describe his work as an unskilled mess.
At every company he runs, there are teams of people devoted to keeping him away from the engineers, who largely succeed to the extent that he forgets they exist.
One of the likely paths that concern me is a cycle where more extreme and brutal acts by the administration results in more protests which result in more extreme and brutal suppression AND more right-wing private-but-endorsed violence, in a feedback loop.