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Lou Katz boosted

@rberger @pluralistic For those who don’t want to pay for seat selection, the latest seems to be purposely putting passengers “randomly” into the middle. 9/10 times that’s my default seat even if I’m registering way in advance and there are dozens of empty aisle and window seats.

Lou Katz boosted

In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas received $20,000 from a wealthy “friend” — and was forced to resign.

Today, Justice Clarence Thomas just admitted to receiving $4,000,000 from a wealthy “friend” — and nothing is happening to him at all.

Congress MUST investigate Thomas NOW.

* $20,000 in 1969 is worth about $170,000 today

Lou Katz boosted

"The pandemic ends when infections end, not when your attention span ends."

- Arturo Portnoy, Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez


Lou Katz boosted


Must be nice to get confirmed to the Supreme Court and realize not that you have been accorded the highest office of trust that the nation can bestow upon an attorney, but rather, you have just been given the biggest goddam cash cow of your entire career!

Lou Katz boosted

TotalRecall has been updated to exfiltrate Recall database and screenshots without needing admin rights:

Lou Katz boosted

In the third level of purgatory, you are in an airport lounge surrounded by loud talkers yelling at their phones.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

More GOP hypocrisy. Potential candidates must provide their tax records before Trump picks his running mate.

But voters don't get to see Trump's tax returns before electing the president.

Lou Katz boosted

Of course Biden won’t pardon his son. It would be scandalously corrupt for the president to use his pardon power in behalf of a family member.

The only reason anyone even asks is that Trump used his pardon power corruptly, in behalf of cronies, donors, and—literally—his own criminal co-conspirators. By and large the news media gave him a pass. Just Trump being Trump.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@tarmil @noisenerd @Radical_EgoCom @pluralistic no joke, someone gave me the "that sounds like socialism" when I explained about Adam Smith and I could not hide my laughter... 🤣

Lou Katz boosted

Publicly available container images are very similar to USB drives you find in the parking lot. They are meant to be downloaded and run in production.

Lou Katz boosted

Hey @verge and @rollingstone: Please stop this bullshit of having light gray text on a white background, it doesn't make your site look cool, it just makes it hard to read.


A person who loves contrast

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Rich donors are paying as much as $300,000 per person to attend a Trump fundraiser in San Francisco today. What do they expect in return for their money?

Lou Katz boosted

The year is 2042. You log in to work in the morning. Your various Zoom vtuber clones have attended five simultaneous daily stand-up meetings. You can't really tell if the notes they took mean anything, but probably not - no human has been to any of these meetings in years. Probably safe to disregard them.

You work for a publishing house, so you received fifteen thousand scripts for novels overnight. Your Outlook assistant claims all of them were AI-generated, so you delete them unread. No real way to know.

You order food from a delivery service. Doesn't really matter what or where, the pictures and descriptions are all AI-generated and the food is drop-shipped from a ghost kitchen somewhere. Half of them claim to be McDonalds, but what you get is a sticky pizza bagel.

Outside, the Nasdaq reaches an all-time height.

Lou Katz boosted

It's good to see people finally being concerned with journal Board members forcibly pulling articles the journal published.

Lou Katz boosted

A credible report that #Ontario #Ford government is defunding #WastewaterSurveillance program for #Covid19 and everything else.

Peterborough MOH announced it. (It's official now)

Call the Ontario Premier's Office and lodge your complaint about the cancellation of COVID-19 Waste Water Surveillance.

I encourage everyone who cares to call and register your opinion.

They monitor this feedback.


Also let your MPP know.

Lou Katz boosted

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

Lou Katz boosted

BSD celebrity death 

Mike Karels died on the way home from #BSDCan, at the age of 67.

This man spent 40 years working on BSD. His code appears in #FreeBSD, #OpenBSD, #NetBSD, and everywhere.

If you have used the Internet, you have used code he wrote.

RIP, sir. You changed the world for the better.

What's probably his last talk: "I don't have much to say," followed by a spellbinding eighty minutes.

[edited to remove echovita obit; apparently that's an AI scam site :flan_molotov: :flan_rage: :flan_hulk: ]

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