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Lou Katz boosted

Here's how to stop X from using your posts to train its AI:

Stop posting on X

Lou Katz boosted

The Pro Codes Act would allow for portions of the law to be copyrighted. This is bad and should be opposed.

SDOs like the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) play a critical role in crafting standards, such as GAAP, which are frequently incorporated into statutory and regulatory frameworks.

The Act seeks to allow SDOs to retain copyright over their standards. This would create a major access to justice issue.

#lawfedi #taxfedi #tax @law @eff @CenDemTech

Lou Katz boosted

Please keep in mind that the Harris euphoria will not -- cannot -- last nonstop through November. There's a natural ebb and flow to everything. Count on the Trump cult getting part of their vile act together after their initially flummoxed response.

Meanwhile, Big Journalism is going to do everything it possibly can to stir up trouble so it can cover the election, as it loves to do, as blood sport. Issues? Ha.

We will save democracy. The hardest work begins now -- please do what you can.

Lou Katz boosted

Want to see rogue judges in action? Ohio Supreme Court, in a ruling a member of the minority aptly called "jabberwocky", ruled that a restaurant can claim to serve "boneless" chicken wings even though they have shards of bones in them. A patron was badly injured when one tore open his esophagus.

Our corporate courts won't lift a finger to protect us.

Lou Katz boosted

But because the guy used encrypted messaging, Wray complains "some places we may never be able to see, no matter how good our legal process is.”

For eons, people talked and no one could know what was said. Ephemerality is the norm, not the exception.

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Lou Katz boosted

@carlmalamud @karlauerbach Plus, of course, the actual terms of service are copyrighted and confidential.

Lou Katz boosted

@SteveBellovin @karlauerbach so, there is a real simple answer to this bone situation from the chicken wing lobby. The answer is a shrink wrap terms of use license. By tearing off the tape that holds this bag of chickens wings, I do hereby cede all my rights in any bone-related claims at law and agree to mandatory arbitration. Problem solved.

Lou Katz boosted

To assign seats or not to assign seats… #Southwest is axing its open seating policy. This quote from the article is weird though; open seating is like Lord of the Flies? Do we demand assigned seating on a bus? And if you don’t think getting on a domestic flight is like getting on an air bus,well…Airbus. #aviation #boeing #airbus #travel

Lou Katz boosted

@carlmalamud @karlauerbach Please—it would have to be bonefree boneless wings. The redundancy of repetition is important. In fact, you may even have to say bonefree boneless wings without any bones.

Lou Katz boosted

Fintech bullies stole your kid's lunch money

Three companies control the market for school lunch payments.

They take as much as 60 cents out of every dollar poor kids' parents put into the system
-- to the tune of $100m/year.

They're literally stealing poor kids' lunch money.

In its latest report, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau describes this scam in eye-watering, blood-boiling detail:
-- @pluralistic

Lou Katz boosted

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." –Justice Louis Brandeis

Words spoken many years ago that are just as relevant today.

We must continue the fight to get big money out of politics.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Fun Fact: You can create a word in German to say pretty much anything, but you'd better declare a really long buffer before you try.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@inthehands So much Disney revolves around the theme that family is the most important thing - you all have to look out after each other, and heck that even defines who you are. The hero's a hero because they're a princess or a child of a great explorer or important lion or whatever and maybe their stepfamily is awful but their biological family is good so they're inherently good.

I think this message is harmful! Real people are _not_ automatically good (or bad) because their parents were good (or bad), and people outside your family are important too!

If your market is families, then constantly saying "family is the most important" is just savvy business I guess.

Lou Katz boosted

I don't know what to say. When I was 17, I did a student exchange Québec City - Vancouver. I had never left my city. We were going by train.

We were allowed to step out of the train for the first time in Jasper. I remember. My eyes got big. My heart skipped a beat. This was just heaven. The mountains. The beautiful town. I've never forgotten that feeling of awe while travelling.

And now it might burn. And we are still doing nothing, absolutely nothing, about oil, and fossil fuels, and climate change. We're looking at our world burn, and our leaders are sitting back and relaxing.

I can't. What are we doing.

Lou Katz boosted

More Americans need to understand that the politicians giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu talking about “finishing the job” are literally applauding genocide. Standing ovation for burying children alive. These people are sick.

Lou Katz boosted

Bernie Sanders, righteous man:

“So tomorrow, M. President, when members of Congress give Mr. Netanyahu a standing ovation, I hope for one second they will remember the starving children in Gaza.

I hope while they applaud, that they will think about the hundreds of aid workers killed, the dozens of hospitals bombed, the housing destroyed, and the universities obliterated.”

#Sanders #Netanyahu #Gaza #Israel #Palestine

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