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Lou Katz boosted

"The city’s practice is to arrive early in the morning with a backhoe to destroy encampment residents’ possessions, without first identifying in advance who is there, whether they have alternative #shelter to go to, what property they have, and where it will be stored.” #homeless #sweeps

Lou Katz boosted

"The city’s practice is to arrive early in the morning with a backhoe to destroy encampment residents’ possessions, without first identifying in advance who is there, whether they have alternative #shelter to go to, what property they have, and where it will be stored.” #homeless #sweeps

Lou Katz boosted

"Through an executive order, Abbott directed Texas #hospitals to compile data on inpatient discharges and emergency visits by #immigrants living in the U.S. without authorization".

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

"It is Kafkaesque cruelty to legally prohibit people from simply existing outside when the same government has not taken sufficient action to ensure they have somewhere to go. More practically, it’s also not going to work."

Sweeps are not just cruel, they're stupid

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted


I'm old enough to remember bitcoin's early days when there was hope it would be a non-fiat currency.

Then, I gradually saw how people wanted it less as an alternative fungible form of money, and more as a vehicle for a pyramid scheme.

I also didn't know just how much recklessness financial investors liked to get up to, that the SEC would infrequently put a stop to.

Nor did I have any idea of just how much electricity it would use up in pursuit of the scam.

Lou Katz boosted

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Lou Katz boosted

America likes to project a badass strong man persona to the rest of the world but a solid one-third of the people living here are terrified of being in the same room as an unused, packaged tampon.

Lou Katz boosted

TV "news" that runs Trump press conferences live is doing pure propaganda for the liar-in-chief. The media know this, but they care much more about money than journalism, much less the democracy they are doing nothing to save.

Lou Katz boosted

@GottaLaff The helicopter story perfectly captures the essence of Donald Trump. It is self-aggrandizing (he's the hero in peril), demeaning to others, and simultaneously shows both his mendacity and senility.

Misremembering something and misrepresenting it at the same time is a neat trick.

Biden may be 81, but Trump has the emotional maturity of a 3-year-old, with the mental & physical well-being of a 95-year-old.

Lou Katz boosted

“It would be hard to find a sentence in what Donald Trump said today that did not include AT LEAST one lie,” #LawrenceODonnell said on his show. “Some of the networks tried to play catchup w/ #FactChecking after Donald #Trump finished speaking but, that of course, is way too late & utterly useless. No network even attempted to check every lie Donald Trump told.” [I gave up after the effort induced a migraine]

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #The4thEstate #ResponsibilityInJournalism #Journalism #press

Lou Katz boosted

@s92 I'm guessing you've never worked in Android app development. Because if you had, you'd know that Google has been tightening the screws on developers for years, blocking key functions and increasingly preventing non-Google apps from performing properly, even from developers with long track records. This is key to understanding a major part of Nova's problems.

Lou Katz boosted

@brouhaha Sadly, the answer to "who wrote this crap" is often me, a year or more ago.

I like to think that I write good code now, but future me will likely find something to gripe about in it. I see this simply as a side-effect of growing as a programmer.

Lou Katz boosted

Please note: the civil war in the UK has been cancelled owing to a massive display of human decency on one side and the other side not showing up.

Lou Katz boosted

"When I was president, I totally protected the guns." —Donald Trump

That's true. Too bad he didn't work as hard to protect the children. Guns became the leading cause death for American kids under Trump.

Lou Katz boosted

Does a service member violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice by disobeying a direct lawful order from the president or secretary of defense? Maybe not. Dan Maurer examines the gap in UCMJ coverage for civilian orders.

Lou Katz boosted

@brouhaha @Lunaphied @cr1901 @erincandescent yeah basically our printer strategy is that once every fifteen years we find a model of laser printer that is built like a tank and has good toner availability, and then we buy it and keep it until it breaks

Lou Katz boosted

Israel is running concentration camps full of starving Palestinians and also deciding who gets to serve in the United States congress — this doesn’t end until we end it

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