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Lou Katz boosted

X wasn't banned in Brazil because of censorship. It was because Musk refused to abide by a court order to block accounts linked to the invasion of the Brazilian Parliament, Supreme Court and Presidential Palace in 2023. Musk preferred to close his Brazilian offices instead of helping to catch those who tried to overthrow a democratic elected government. If someone tells you otherwise, they're either dishonest or misinformed.

Lou Katz boosted

"In cyber warfare, the greatest victory is achieved not by the strength of your firewall, but by the complexity of your CAPTCHA." - The Art of Cyber War

Lou Katz boosted

This is probably the best thing I ever posted on Twitter. The memory is pretty dear to me; I'm sharing it here so it still exists somewhere if that place collapses.

Lou Katz boosted

Might be an unpopular take, but “swatting” sure seems like the state doing to white people on camera what it’s been doing to black people off camera for a long, long time.

Lou Katz boosted

Holy shit, my wife just found this on the top of a container of collagen that we just bought from #Costco:
“By opening and using this product, you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions fully set forth at, which include a mandatory arbitration agreement. If you do not agree to be bound, please return this product immediately.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Lou Katz boosted

@mhoye The subsidy for free or almost free parking on two lanes of almost every publically funded road dwarfs everything given to public transit.

Lou Katz boosted

What I always hear: “We can’t afford to pay our workers $15 an hour.”

What I never hear: “We can’t afford to pay our CEO millions of dollars a year.”

Funny how that works, huh?

Lou Katz boosted

A good friend of mine notes that while nobody ever _declares_ a Sev0 incident, one of the most notable signals you're in a Sev0 incident is when lawyers who have no reason to be there and nothing to add start joining incident calls so that whatever is said in those calls is now sheltered by attorney-client privilege.

Lou Katz boosted

@brouhaha Wait a month, lose something unimportant on your desk, and when you search for it you might find the USB drive.

Lou Katz boosted

"Moms for Liberty" is one of the most vicious of the far-right extremist groups.

Trump, seeing kindred souls, gave his usual litany of lies and rancid threats in an appearance at their meeting.

Journalism noted a couple of the most outrageous statements.

And that was that.

The real outrage was that this is now considered somewhat normal.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

The existential risk is that the incredible repository of nearly all human knowledge that is the internet will be flooded with so much LLM-generated dreck that locating reliable information will become effectively impossible (alongside scientific journals, which are also suffering incredibly under the weight of ML spam).

The existential risk is that nobody will be able to trust a photo or video of anything because the vast majority of media will be fabricated.

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Lou Katz boosted

Yeah, there’s a problem. These are just the U.S. beaches reported in the past week. Sorry, no, that’s not quite right. These are just the breaches reported in the US in the past week *that impacted more than 100k individuals*. #databreach

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

If women really could "sleep their way to the top," there’d be a hell of a lot more of us up there...

Lou Katz boosted

Why are Trumpers at war with public education?

Because they want to DESTROY it.

They want to PRIVATIZE education and turn it into a for-profit industry they control.

They want to turn American education into one big Trump University.

That’s why.

Lou Katz boosted

Tim Walz was cheered by firefighters.

JD Vance was booed by firefighters.

The same firefighters.

One day apart.

Lou Katz boosted

GOP officials in Nebraska shutter voting registration for people with past felony convictions and attempt to reimpose lifetime disenfranchisement. “There’s just so many ways in which the criminal legal system dehumanizes people."

Lou Katz boosted

People are being enslaved in U.S. prisons. Read their letters. Explore this new online archive. This is a testament to the courageous resilience of the 800,000 incarcerated workers forced to labor and a record of the continuation of slavery in the U.S.

Lou Katz boosted

Earlier this year, the GOP in both the House and Senate blocked a bill which would guarantee the right to IVF. Not pay for it, just protect a couple's right to it.

So now we're supposed to believe that the same MAGA republicans will actually go much further, and mandate that insurers pay for IVF? Yeah, right...

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