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Lou Katz boosted

The scam-ridden cryptocurrency industry is spending wildly to elect a Republican senate. Makes sense. So much of what Trump controls -- and he owns the Republicans outright -- has proved to be corrupt.

Lou Katz boosted

So NYPD subway cops chasing a man for $2.90 in fare money, shot 4 people, including a bystander and another cop? Cool.🤦🏿‍♂️

An important thing to know about the subway cops stopping the crime of fare evasion, is:

1) White New Yorkers evade fares more than anyone else.

2) Cops get fired if they stop white fare evaders vs Black or brown fare evaders.🤡

This is what cops mean when they say that the racism is systemic, that the system was not built by cops but by rich men.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

One of the jarring things about working in DC is being invited to meetings with policymakers to discuss some highly technical thing and realizing that *everyone* else in the room is a lobbyist for some tech company rather than an actual tech expert. And they're all wondering what *you're* doing there.

Lou Katz boosted

An alleged assassination attempt by a mentally ill person using a gun is a terrible reason to vote for the man who made it easier for mentally ill persons to get guns.

Lou Katz boosted

The more I learn about the world of money moving around, the more I think most of what people do with it should be banned. From hyper-rapid proposing and retracting trades to saddling companies with the debt incurred to buy them: no, no, no, and hell no.

This is of course a useless thought. Capitalism loves running itself into disasters with games like these.

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Lou Katz boosted

No. Fucking fuck this.

Her defiance didn’t kill her. “It” didn’t kill her.

He did.

He fucking killed her.

How is this hard?

Lou Katz boosted


The USA doesn't have an immigration problem..

we have a xenophobic, white nationalist racism problem...

@GottaLaff @atrupar

Lou Katz boosted

What "Russki Mir" means:

The idea of ​​the Russian world is the belief that completely different people living in different and in no way connected countries must obey other people living in the Kremlin and fulfill all their demands and orders.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin

Lou Katz boosted

My child, as I ask him to put away his iPad or lose it for the next day, exclaimed:

"Jesus dot christ at gmail dot com! FINE!!"

Lou Katz boosted

"Know your enemy, but first know their favorite social media password reset questions." - The Art of Cyber War

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

I did not expect Laura Loomer to be the Wallis Simpson of the 21st century.

Lou Katz boosted

Ok now I definitely need to get a network cable, just to see if something's still living on the far side of these wires.

I mean, there's no chance. None, there is just no way.

But now I have to know.

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Lou Katz boosted

Just reminding you that if Biden had lost a debate so badly that he basically said he was retiring from debating within 48 hours, the New York Times would have pronounced him literally dead.

Lou Katz boosted

She doesn’t understand,
she made it through
2020 and 2021
without catching it
but now she’s caught it
for the fifth time,
so I asked what precautions
she was taking,
and she explained
she stopped with all of those
back in 2022
when the pandemic ended,
and all I could say was: oh.

Lou Katz boosted

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To avoid another debate.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

AI is \*not\* just a tool. It is a pea and thimble game in which a few, very rich people steal our entire cultural and intellectual history, and use it in a way that forever depletes it. It is a way of enclosing the commons. And it's taking us all, the demos, too long to get our collective heads around it because, like the climate, it is so strange to think of it being steal-able that the idea doesn't stick, it doesn't have language to describe and discuss it. 1/3 #AI

Lou Katz boosted

Trump has mobilized his violent cult to muzzle people who once would have challenged his contempt for law and basic decency.

Big Journalism, for whatever reason, doesn't think this is much of a story.

That's why we need outlets like Talking Points Memo.

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