Want to help Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications? Are you in or around #Oakland, California? Are you available WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30?

In 2015 #InternetArchive acquired a *massive* collection of manuals, rescued from the closing Manuals Plus in Maryland. The manuals were packed up and sent to San Francisco, awaiting for a day some or all of it would be digitized. That day has come.

We need help sorting the manuals, looking for the radio-related stuff.

It's the middle of the week and it's incredibly short notice.

The job has no lifting and is just opening a box, pulling out candidate manuals for radio (we have a guide) and closing the box up again. We might consolidate boxes or otherwise do some shifting so the pallets don't go off balance, but otherwise, it's a pretty straightforward thing.

If you can do this or have questions, please email kay@archive.org

Here are some pix of the material


@dlarc I am in Oakland and may be able to help.

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