The very brief IDF investigation of the IDF slaughter of World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza, though extremely brief, is already quite revealing, showing gross incompetence at various levels of the IDF, with the multiple attacks apparently triggered by the misidentification by a human observer of a single bag worn by a single worker. Ultimately, this all falls on Netanyahu and his cronies, as enormous protests continue to grow against them in Israel. Keep in mind that Netanyahu and his minions are keeping him in power just as Trump and MAGA wants to do here. There is no real difference.


@lauren Keep in mind that Netanyahu was elected by the people of Israel. They could have elected someone else ... it was not a Putin-style election. Netanyahu serves at the request of the Israeli populace.

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@lou The country is split in very much the same way as the U.S. is now. If Trump is reelected, the U.S. will be in very much the same situation. And right now the odds are he will be.

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