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Lou Katz boosted

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Lou Katz boosted

@adamshostack You’re expecting fidelity to the law from the Fifth Circuit? Or from Thomas and Alito?

Lou Katz boosted

"I will call the cops on you" is a death threat and should be treated as such.

Edit: And with treated as such we mean treating the people who use "I will call the cops on you" as a threat like the cop collaborators, the collaborators of institutional violence, they are. break their noses, destroy their power and make everybody around them aware that they are more than happy to use institutional violence for personal gain.

Lou Katz boosted

The fact that Microsoft Teams 🤮 contains a feature called "Teams" where actual teams can create a Team, and at Microsoft the teams working on that feature probably have a Team to discuss the Teams feature, suggests that there exists a Microsoft Microsoft Teams Teams Teams' Microsoft Teams Team.

Lou Katz boosted

Stanford University's contempt for journalism it doesn't like is on full display here.

Just reprehensible, and it should put to rest some of the longstanding mythology about the school's political leanings.

Lou Katz boosted

Update: The vote is on hold, apparently.

The EU is moving closer to making strong encryption illegal so it can spy on everyone (except, of course, EU officials). As this post notes, "It couldn't be clearer that the aim of this bill is China-style mass surveillance and not better protecting our children."

Lou Katz boosted

While watching S1E1 of "Pee-wee's Playhouse" (1986) on #YouTube just now, I noticed for the first time an image of "Bob" from the Church of the SubGenius on a wall. I don't know how I missed that all these years, but please cut me some ... slack.

Lou Katz boosted

Them: You’re acting weird.

Me: First of all, I’m not acting…

Lou Katz boosted

I feel like if Europe is going to insist on using 0-based indexing for floors in their buildings Americans should insist on using it for their monarchs: "King Louis the 0th", "Charles the Nothingth", "Ferdinand the Null", etc.

Lou Katz boosted

Just basically gonna have to assume for the rest of our lives that any cloud/content hosting service offered for free is at best temporary and at worst some kind of trap

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Remember kids:

IRC is free.
IRC is a open standard.
You can run your own IRC server.
IRC doesn't collect data on you and sell it.
You can still moderate your channels via invite, voice, and ban modes.
You can run a server on a 486.
IRC doesn't try to up sell you on "nitro".
IRC doesn't need to make money to make some VC happy.

Lou Katz boosted

Having this as my default www root page to scare all security auditors to stone

Lou Katz boosted

The Kasperski ban should make everyone reconsider closed-source software. If Russia can threaten cybersecurity through anti-virus software, who says the US can't do so through Microsoft and Apple? Open-Source is the only way to control your data.
#opensource #digitalsouvereignity

Lou Katz boosted

Close to 75% of all police drone use in Minnesota is to survey accidents and officer training. That’s an expensive training toy–but also one that can very easily cross the line into surveillance.

Lou Katz boosted

A very brave colleague of mine, historian and Jewish Israeli at Hebrew University of Jerusalem Lee Mordechai, has written an 80 page report on Israel's continued bombardment of Gaza.
It discusses why he believes Israel's response is gravely disproportionate and constitutes genocide, as well as providing various evidence and documentation concerning (not exhaustively) (a) the famine in Gaza and Israel's contribution to it, (b) the Israeli media's assistance in the continued dehumanization of Palestinians and support for massacres, (c) Human rights violations in the West Bank in part justified by the fighting in Gaza, (d) American involvement in the ongoing ethnic cleansing and war crimes.

It is an incredibly detailed and important document, though there is a helpful summary at the beginning.
Dr. Mordechai will (and probably already has) received death threats, alienation from some of his colleagues, and possibly even academic repercussions. He was not paid by anyone to write this document, but has done it solely from a deep commitment to human rights for all people and all Peoples. Given the great risk he has taken, and the difficult and extensive work he has put into it as a scholar, I think it is incumbent to share it as widely as possible so that his courage and work was not done in vain.
It's called "Bearing Witness to the Israel Gaza War"

You can download it here in English:

And here in Hebrew (the content is the same in both):

Lou Katz boosted

Mozilla's Original Sin.

Some will tell you that Mozilla's worst decision was to accept funding from Google, and that may have been the first domino, but I hold that implementing DRM is what doomed them, as it led to their culture of capitulation. It demonstrated that their decisions were the decisions of a *company shipping products*, not those of a non-profit devoted to preserving the open web.

Those are different things and are very much in conflict. [...]

Lou Katz boosted

@jef reminds me of an ad for device that measured distance to a fiber break. The picture was of a backhoe in front of a sunrise and it read “Good morning. Your network is about to go down”

Lou Katz boosted

Governments, law enforcement agencies, and even private citizens use malware to circumvent encryption and to spy on users. Knowing how it works can help you protect yourself.

Lou Katz boosted

If data from Minnesota is indicative of what’s happening in the rest of the country, then police are using drones more and more (and spending a lot more money on them too).

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