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Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

It's extremely important that logs never be written to a plaintext file--instead, they should go to a special format that requires a custom binary to read because the systemd author hates everything about Unix.

Lou Katz boosted

The irony is not lost on me that the Internet Archive went out of its way to acquire the physical versions of millions of books and loan them out carefully and in a limited way, and is facing a near-extinction-level event over it, while for-profit and VC-backed companies are just stealing people’s content and making up excuses to validate the bad behavior.

Lou Katz boosted

⚠"iPhones and iPads are not computers," Apple has publicly stated. ⚠

🔔 We should not allow gatekeepers like Apple to threaten our rights and freedoms!

Lou Katz boosted


not just their disposable income

we took as much of their disposable time as well

Lou Katz boosted

We spent 4 decades making everyone else poorer so that a small number of wealthy people could get wealthier.

Young people are affected by this more than old people.

We deliberately shrunk the disposable income of the population, then get angry when people buy less stuff.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Big chunks of Texas were under heat warnings this past week — with heat indexes hitting 115°F.

Reminder that Texas Gov. Abbott signed legislation that prohibits cities from mandating employers to provide workers with rest and water breaks.

This is the GOP's vision for America.

Lou Katz boosted

Pro-Palestinian protesters are still harassing Biden. Yet last night at the debate, Trump said "Let Israel finish the job" and accused Biden of being a Palestinian because he's been trying to get rabid Netanyahu on a leash. And they plan to protest the Democratic convention. Do they realize they are actually working for Trump, who has promised concentration camps for them? .

Lou Katz boosted

They can just go ahead and replace law school textbooks with a sheet of paper that says “The courts are just going to do what they want to do”

Lou Katz boosted

Hey, CNN, fact-checking should be something you do during the debate, not as this afterthought.

You let Trump lie incessantly on LIVE TV and you did it on purpose.

Lou Katz boosted

Nobody is killing babies after they’re born except Republicans. They don’t feed them. They don’t give them healthcare. They pollute their air and water. That’s it.

Lou Katz boosted

Democrats who are panicking are jumping the gun, but there is no denying that Biden's performance was anything but awful.

Lou Katz boosted

Having Donald Trump “debate” without real-time fact checking is sort of like asking a serial rapist what his intentions are with your daughter.

Lou Katz boosted

Pure lying from Trump and he's "winning" because Biden is a mumbler...

Lou Katz boosted

Anyone that thought this about catching Trump being Trump, was sadly deluded. It was all about him appearing the confident strongman. That’s all he had to achieve. And he’s done that already, while Biden looks weak, sometimes confused, and unable to land any punches. It’s very alarming. Very.

Lou Katz boosted

Trump lies with energy and strong voice. Biden fumbles with truth. Journalists will proclaim Trump the winner.

Lou Katz boosted

CNN has decided, based on its pre-debate "coverage", that the two major-party candidates are very much equivalent.

The network's correspondents surely know that they are pushing the worst kind of false balance, but it is what they do routinely.

Business as usual in Big Journalism will be seen by honest historians as one of the most effective enablers of fascism in America.

Lou Katz boosted

Supreme Court just legalized bribery of public officials. A perfect and grotesque endorsement of the kind of corruption that Trump world stands for.

Lou Katz boosted
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