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Lou Katz boosted

On one hand, the SCOTUS cases on internet speech turned out OK. On the other hand, the cases on, like, whether the United States can continue to function as a democracy? Less OK.

Lou Katz boosted

I’m old enough to remember when no one took it seriously when Nixon said “if the president does it, it’s not illegal.”

Lou Katz boosted

Sotomayor: “The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law. … With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” 13/13 #LawFedi

Lou Katz boosted

Joe Biden now has the ability to save the Republic. He can order Seal Team 6 to go shoot a bunch of Republicans and it is completely, unquestionably, legal. Not a crime. Trump, the 6 Republican Justices, and a bunch of other people. Note that I am not advocating any crime be committed here, just a use of Presidential power to save the USA from a clear and present threat. Biden could appoint Justices to repeal the decision, making him the only user ever.

#SCOTUS #law #uspol #politics

Lou Katz boosted

Pretty good decision from the Supreme Court in Netchoice today. (The case where Texas and Florida wanted to ban content moderation) ...

Would usually celebrate that as a nice victory. But between the other recent Supreme Court rulings and the Democratic party's absolutely dogged determination to lose the next election, Netchoice feels like winning $10 on a lottery scratch ticket while watching your house burn down.

Lou Katz boosted

I love how many of you have been buying me red pens!! Not any kind of pen -- only red pens. Assumably for correcting all of Apple's lies. ❤️ ✒️ 💀 🔥

Lou Katz boosted

So if Biden orders the secret service to bring Donald Trump to Guantanamo bay for extended interrogation for, say, 6 months and claims immunity for his decision based on todays SCOTUS decision?

Lou Katz boosted

Biden should order a death squad on Trump, since it’s now legal to commit crimes as President.

Lou Katz boosted

So Biden should officially designate Trump a domestic terrorist and send Seal Team 6 to Mar-A-Lago to take him out is how I read this.

Lou Katz boosted

Motto for this Supreme Court term: "L'État, c'est moi."

Perhaps the Alitos can put it on a flag of some kind.

Lou Katz boosted

New this week: agencies get no deference on their reasonable interpretations of law, and you can now challenge any rule at any time regardless of how old the rule is.

Literally going to paralyze the entire administrative state with litigation.

Lou Katz boosted

Meta's “pay or consent” advertising model, which it invented because it did not comply with the GDPR for 6 years, is not compliant with the DMA either. Can be fined now of up to 10% of Meta’s global turnover. #meta #dma #gdpr #privacy

Lou Katz boosted

SCOTUS’ Republicans Allow Presidents to Use SEAL Team 6 To Execute Their Opponents

Yes, if the President sics SEAL Team Six on his opponent as an official act, he is presumptively immune from consequences. The post SCOTUS’ Republicans Allow Presidents to Use SEAL Team 6 To Execute Their Opponents appeared first on emptywheel.

Lou Katz boosted

Justice #Sotomayor dissent:

“Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be #immune from #criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal #law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such #immunity.
…if the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop. With fear for our #democracy, I dissent."

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@SteveBellovin The laws will not take effect at this time. That's the bottom line of interest.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

(faux) pol 

For a better future.

As an added bonus, won't argue golfing-abilities, unless it's code-golf.

Lou Katz boosted

The fascists aren’t winning because neoliberalism has failed but because it has succeeded.

#neoliberalism #fascism

Lou Katz boosted

The "Pay or Consent" advertising model of Meta fails to comply with the Digital Markets Act.

Our preliminary findings show that this choice forces users to consent to the combination of their personal data and fails to provide them a less personalised but equivalent version of Meta’s social networks.

More info ↓!yjjm9k

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