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Lou Katz boosted

The Supreme Court says it's illegal for Biden to cancel student debt. It also says the President is immune from prosecution in official acts. So, time to cancel student debt!

Lou Katz boosted

The New York Times refuses to let the data on rising real wages interfere with its bad economy story

Lou Katz boosted

Folks, the court did not just say "the President can do whatever he wants."

The court said "the president is immune from prosecution for doing whatever WE say is official."

There's a big difference. They didn't make the President king; they made themselves kings.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

It's easy to conflate a traditional American upbringing with conservative values, but this perspective leaves out traditions that don't align with Christian conservatism. In this piece from The Big Picture, Amelia Mavis Christnot uses her childhood in a traditional, Indigenous family to explain why for her, LGBTQ+ allyship has always been a traditional family value.

Lou Katz boosted

@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @jvagle I'm old enough--and so are you--to remember when the consensus was that Nixon resigned after he did awful things. It's no longer clear that people think they were awful.

Lou Katz boosted

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) continues to be the member of Congress who best demonstrates the qualities of leadership so badly needed by her party. She will not succeed in impeaching these Supreme Court justices, but she will shine a light on their corruption and lay down a marker for voters.

Every Democrat should learn from her example.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

The new Ladybird initiative is exciting: a new US non-profit initially backed by $1m to support development of Ladybird, an open source web browser that isn't based on a fork of something older and that doesn't depend on Google for funding!

Lou Katz boosted

@mattblaze @jvagle I'm old enough to remember when Nixon was considered a uniquely awful president.

Lou Katz boosted

Sotomayor, joined by Kagan and Jackson: “In sum, the majority today endorses an expansive vision of Presidential immunity that was never recognized by the Founders, any sitting President, the Executive Branch, or even President Trump’s lawyers, until now. Settled understandings of the Constitution are of little use to the majority in this case, and so it ignores them.” 3/

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Lou Katz boosted

WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who will have to take down Trump.

Not the courts - they've been corrupted.
Not the media - they're desperate for access and cash.
Not the prosecutors - the courts are stopping them from doing their jobs.

Us, together, this November.


Lou Katz boosted

Well, I think we can now move Dred Scott from from the top of the list of worst ever SCOTUS decisions.

Lou Katz boosted


I don't have any bookkeeping to do, but I'll gladly join you in telling Paypal to go fuck themselves. 🎉

Lou Katz boosted

Justice Roberts’ Drone Strike on George Washington’s Legacy

In an opinion that tries to cloak his power grab with an appeal to President Washington, John Roberts has suffocated the greatest thing Washington gave the United States, the presumption that Presidents would cede to the power of elections. The post…

Lou Katz boosted


If the Supreme Court ruled President's do have some immunity, why can't President Biden simply have convicted Felon Donald Trump arrested and jailed, with Biden claiming it was his official duty to save the country from terroristic threats.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline

Lou Katz boosted

I volunteer at a railroad museum, and we're getting to host the Union Pacific 4014 steam locomotive in a few weeks.

They priced the bloody special event admission tickets at $20 for the day, and they're ecstatic that they've already sold 900 tickets online.

Please, for the love of god, reply to this toot with what you think the appropriate admission price should be for this event. Some of the board members are already complaining about $20/person being too expensive for getting to see the freaking UP 4014.

Lou Katz boosted

By delaying Trump's Jan 6 trial, the Supreme Court's far-right justices have effectively become Trump campaign surrogates.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Should we cancel the Forth of July? It no longer seems a relevant event.

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