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Lou Katz boosted

The argument against regulation is always the same: “It stifles growth and jobs.”

But just as tax cuts for corporations have not trickled down, regulatory cuts have not benefited most people.

Big companies enjoy bigger profits. Working people bear the costs.

Lou Katz boosted

Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

What did corporations do with the money saved?

They didn’t invest it or raise wages.

They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.

Nothing trickled down to workers.

Lou Katz boosted

These last few decades have been a nonstop cycle of leftists warning people of impending danger, being told they're overreacting, the danger happens, and even the people who admit leftists were right continue to listen to the people who are saying that leftists are overreacting about the next impending crisis.

Lou Katz boosted

I've given up chasing my dreams. I told them to go on ahead without me, and maybe I can try to catch up later.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

By making the Supreme Court's crowning of King President seem like just another step in a long trend, The Times thus normalizes and diminishes the profound insurrection in the decision.
Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

It occurs to me that the Supreme Idiots have actually created a Presidency more powerful than the British King at the time of the founding.

Charles I got executed for official acts for which the U.S. President is now immune.

Lou Katz boosted

That there is a Democrat president, but it is the Republicans who are celebrating this (remarkable) Supreme Court decision, tells you how safe Republicans feel from abuse of this immunity.

And how unsafe others should feel if and when the Republicans get the presidency.

Lou Katz boosted

I had some medical tests today, but I hadn't studied for them.

Lou Katz boosted

I did another round of updates to the Big Ass Data Broker Opt Out List! ✅🍑, thanks to pull requests and emails from volunteers. 🧵

Here's where to find it:


Lou Katz boosted

The President of the United States addresses the worst Supreme Court decision in the Union's history, and the New York Times makes it about their petty grudge.

Lou Katz boosted

Site blocking means the right to choose what websites you visit would be taken away from you and given to giant media companies and ISPs. And the very shape of the internet would have to be changed to allow it.

Lou Katz boosted

Are you telling me that I've been eating elderberry gummies by the truckloads when all I needed to do was run for President to boost my immunity?


Lou Katz boosted

I’m not remotely surprised by the Trump SCOTUS ruling and honestly I’m more focused right now on France going fascist.

Lou Katz boosted

First decision is Corner Post

Not on my radar, but if it is on yours:

The statute of limitations decision makes it easier to challenge agency regulations

#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #law #lawFedi #LawProf

Lou Katz boosted


Meanwhile, Linux with KDE Plasma works fine on 15-year-old hardware. Not much different from how it ran on that hardware when it was new.


Lou Katz boosted
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