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Lou Katz boosted

"We are in the process of a second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless -- if the left allows it to be."

This is a rape threat, basically. "I won't hurt you as long as you don't fight back."

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

In most states, the ballot access rules are different for "major parties" (the exact term varies from state to state). Major parties generally have a streamlined path for access to a slot for their candidates on the general election ballot. Whether a party qualifies is generally determined by their performance in a recent previous election.

(The Democratic and Republican parties qualify in every state that makes this distinction).

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Lou Katz boosted


A Russian pilot passed on confidential information to Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) that helped identify 30 commanders of the Russian heavy bomber aviation division, a source in the agency stated on July 11.

"He was shocked by the attack on the children's hospital, so he decided to hand over to the Ukrainian side documents related to the activities of his military unit, as well as private photos of the command staff," the source said.
#AureFreePress #News #press

Lou Katz boosted

I successfully removed Copilot from my Windows 11 OEM PC!

Here's what I did...

Uninstall using PowerShell Command
Step 1: Open Terminal (Admin) by right-click on the Windows logo key.

Step 2: Use the following command to uninstall:

Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like '*Microsoft.Copilot*'} | Remove-AppxPackage -ErrorAction Continue

When I searched for Copilot on my PC afterwards, all I got was a link that opens in Edge that leads to "download Copilot." #Copilot


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@realTuckFrumper @lou

No one should be surprised. Variations of this story go back as far as I remember.

No traded corporation can be trusted at all, no exceptions. Prove me wrong.

Lou Katz boosted

If the New York Times still employed a public editor with integrity and authority, I guarantee that person would be working on a scathing denunciation of yesterday's innuendo-spinning White House neurologist story.

That's one reason the New York Times killed off the public editor job years ago.

Lou Katz boosted

Stupidly hot here, but I still can't bring myself to switch to iced coffee, which just never seems right to me. So I'm alternating sips of hot coffee and ice water.

Lou Katz boosted

Concerns mount as to whether the 173-year old New York Times is too old to continue in its role as the nation’s newspaper of record.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

This is very tough to say.

You’ve served us well for many years. But you’re really old now. And lately you’ve said things that don’t make sense or were just wrong. So for the good of the country, it’s time to quit and pass the torch.

This is a tweet about the New York Times.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Saw a Facebook post, showing the 120F temperature in a desert city in the American west and saying, "All sensible people have already left town."

There are a lot of people who can't afford to leave town, because they are old, or they have to work to feed their children or they are poor, or they have nowhere else to go in any case.

We have a profound deficit of empathy in America.

Lou Katz boosted

@katrinakatrinka @jpanzer The birth certificate fiasco was a 100% false, 100% lie situation. Biden's health challenges now are completely real. You wouldn't change Trump voters with physical/mental test results, but you could calm Biden voters and convince crucial independents on the fence that they should go out and vote for Joe rather than sit on their hands. Turnout is everything, and right now I'm hearing from Biden voters saying they may not vote. And that's scary.

Lou Katz boosted

The fifth amendment, the concept of innocent until proven guilty, and so on, are powerful and important safeguards in *criminal law*. They do not apply to presidential campaigns.

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Lou Katz boosted

Electronic Frontier Alliance members in the @TRUSTCoalition fought for an ordinance for public oversight over San Diego police surveillance and won. This year, the San Diego City Council reversed course, without even having implemented the ordinance.

Lou Katz boosted

I just watched the film The Zone of Interest.

Much of my family vanished into those camps during the early 1940s. Over the years I have been contacted by others with my last name who are looking for traces of ones with our name who vanished.

My grandmother always badgered every German with the question "You knew, what did you do about it?"

The film faces that question squarely and answers "yes, they knew, and they did nothing."

The film was subtle - the sounds of background gunfire and screaming were barely noticeable at the start but increased slowly as the film progressed. And I missed the significance of the FLIR reverse video scenes of the girl with the potatoes.

If the trump era has taught us anything it is that here in the USA there are many among us who would readily and happily assume the role of the Hoss family as they live their pleasant lives on the bodies of others of us who they do not consider human.

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