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Lou Katz boosted

Some of y'all are still confused as to why it seems that Silicon Valley billionaires are "turning to Trump." That's because you don't listen to Black people, you disrespect poor white people, and you ignore obvious statistics that have been staring you in the face for decades.

Silicon. Valley. Billionaires. Have. Always. Supported. Trump.

Not because they like the tax breaks. Because they are more likely to be racist, and racism is the greatest predictor of Trump support.


Lou Katz boosted

1. The most accurate indicator of Trump support, is racism. The 2nd most accurate, is sexism. Not "economic anxiety." The only anxiety that they have, is that Black people might have some money.

2. Most Trump voters, were not working class.

3. Most Jan 6 participants, were rich.

4. Venture Capital, is the most racist part of the US financial/capital allocation system, by far.


Lou Katz boosted

@jvagle True fact: the Privacy Act of 1974 was passed partially in reaction to Nixon's abuses—but commercial data collection and national security rationales have both grown tremendously in the last 50 years.

Lou Katz boosted

It just clicked in my brain. What I haven't been able to articulate about why I'm so anxious about #Windows Recall. I'm sure others have already gotten to where I am.

It's worse than "a system that tracks everything you do" and stores that info in a basic database that could be easily compromised.
It's worse than a nanny surveillance tool for companies to spy on their employees.

It's inescapable.

It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

It won't matter if you're a master #security expert specialist. You can't account for EVERY other computer you've ever interacted with. If a family member looks up an old email with your personal data in it, your data is now at risk.

If THEIR system is compromised YOUR data is at risk.

I just went from "vague feeling of unease" to "actively writing templates to canvas elected officials, regulators, and attorneys general."

Lou Katz boosted

On Eve of Opening Arguments, WSJ Launders David Weiss’ Russian Disinformation Problem

How, on the eve of opening arguments in the Hunter Biden case, do you launder the fact that David Weiss reneged on Hunter Biden's plea deal because he was chasing false claims from a guy with close ties to Russian intelligence? The post On Eve of Opening…

Lou Katz boosted

it is not useful to tell people who do not control what operating system they use at work to use a different operating system at work.

Lou Katz boosted

I loved this:

1. How many photons does Voyager send per bit transmitted?
2. Many photons are received per bit received?
3. How close are we to the theoretic lower limit of what we need to receive

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

You would imagine that Big Journalism would consider it a huge story that a right-wing campaign is under way -- and escalating -- to deny voting rights to a MILLION people of color.

You would be, sadly, wrong.

It's happening, and our news organizations don't give a damn.

Lou Katz boosted

In all fairness, the Teska Cybertruck is a classic design.

Lou Katz boosted

MAGA Trump supporters are doxxing the NYC jurors.

But how did the jurors’ names get out in the first place? The jury was anonymous, by court order.

Did Trump or his lawyers leak the names?!?

Lou Katz boosted

People can tell themselves whatever lie they want about not voting for Biden. It still amounts to a lack of maturity in thinking opting out sends a message, of empathy for those who will suffer under Trump, and of logic for the stakes in 2024.

Read about Project 2025 and decide if you want to vote to unleash that on the nation and world. Because not voting is still a vote--a vote that says the world can burn unless you get everything you want. Decide which side you're on. #VoteBlue

Lou Katz boosted

Remember: Trump asked oil execs at Mar-a-Lago for $1 billion for his campaign.

In return, Trump pledged to reverse environmental protections and cut their taxes.

The deal would net Big Oil $110 billion in tax breaks — 11,000% more than a $1 billion donation.

Utter corruption.

Lou Katz boosted

ChatGPT is awesome for drafting blog posts and newsletters. First, I give it all my bullet points and ask it for a draft. Then, I hate what it wrote _so much_ that I get off my ass and write the thing myself, like I should have done in the first place.


Lou Katz boosted

I decided to take up aerial straps this summer and now my wrists are completely encircled by bruises and I can't feel my right thumb. I have been told that this is normal.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

My late husband was career government, a very, very low-level clerk. There were probably a couple of thousand people scattered across the country performing the precise function that he did. Zero policymaking influence. But for over 25 years until he retired *neither one of us* ever displayed as much as a campaign bumper sticker. When a grateful citizen tried to give us a Thanksgiving turkey, my husband turned it down.

I can't even with these two "justices" and their spouses and their island vacations and those damn flags.

Lou Katz boosted

There is no question about it: Alito, Thomas, Roberts, and the three Trump Supreme Court appointees are all Republican partisan hacks.

Pass term limits. Expand the court. Enact an enforceable code of ethics.

Dems must do this the moment they gain back control of Congress.

Lou Katz boosted

Keep on giving that money to Donald Trump.

It’s all going to Trump’s lawyers, E. Jean Carroll, and the great state of New York.

Lou Katz boosted
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