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Lou Katz boosted Yeah really. And one of the long-time antisemitic tropes is the charge of dual loyalty where Jews (like me!) are accused of being more loyal to other Jews than we are to the interests of country that we live in. We used to describe this as a false, unfair canard ... but now AIPAC and the ADL are embodying it!


Lou Katz boosted

@ireneista @brouhaha @Lunaphied @cr1901 @erincandescent I should point out that for the last several years I have been keeping it going with the intent of having a laser printer old enough to be served alcoholic beverages; the HP stuff up through the early 2000s was indeed built to be repaired in the field and work fine last long time and it will be missed

Lou Katz boosted


"Someone who says they will terminate the Constitution of the United States should never again be allowed to stand behind the seal of the President of the United States."

Lou Katz boosted

The advent of LLMs masquerading as artificial intelligence has made the notion of an absurdly powerful computer, constructed at great expense, and given unseemly resources to answer a meaningful question, only to return the answer “42”, feel more and more prophetic.

Lou Katz boosted

Voters approved a statewide measure requiring Kansas City to spend at least 25% of its general revenue on police. It’s the only city in the state with no control over how it’s policed. No accountability. And this takes money away from basic services.

Lou Katz boosted

Accusing Elon Musk’s X of bias is like accusing J. P. Morgan of capitalism.

Lou Katz boosted

Via Andrew Weissmann:

Let’s remember that as the polls start to show a Harris-Walz victory, it means not just another loss for #Trump, but the real prospect of jail. Given those stakes, we shd expect truly criminal and violent behavior above and below the water line.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Cops are not medical professionals. They should never be given the power to decide who can legally wear a mask for health reasons.

Lou Katz boosted

I keep hearing people I know who I thought genuinely cared for the people on the ragged edges of US society saying that they’re not going to vote for Harris. I wish they’d see voting as a thing we do *for each other* instead of something that speaks to your own self-centered opinion.

It’s just moral narcissism - the idea that how it makes you feel about yourself is the most important thing. It’s wildly, WILDLY selfish. And these are the same people who lecture others about privilege.


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Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Back before nation states and the rule of law there was a reason that cities usually had a very large wall around them.

Lou Katz boosted

Pretty much every infosec person i know has given up reporting phishing sites because 99% of them are behind CloudFlare / CloudFlare domains. CloudFlare takes weeks to respond, will leak your info to the abusers and sometimes not even do anything.

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Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

@ceejbot Time to bring "microfortnights" back into common use. They sound so much more elegant than "seconds" and they're a bit longer as a bonus.

Lou Katz boosted

Pressure grows on President Biden to arrange prisoner swap with Boeing for two astronauts currently held indefinitely on international space station.

Lou Katz boosted

You'd think by now they would have identified all the images with motorcycles. I feel no need to continue to process them for our digital overlords.

Lou Katz boosted

EFF's "privacy badger" extension today expanded its effect on the Google "Ad Sandbox" to disable not just Topics (the worst of Ad Sandbox's features so far) but also the other two features— including "Ad Measurement", a feature that Apple copied a couple years back and Firefox adopted as an "experiment" this month.

The EFF here succinctly argues why all of these ad features should not be running on your computer:

Lou Katz boosted

@soatok literally the first professional pentesting engagement I did ended up with me finding a signature-spoofing bug in GnuPG; allowed causing `gpg --verify` to exit with status 0

gnupg devs refused to call it a security bug, because you're actually supposed to parse the statusfd output and ignore the exit status (which was mentioned approximately nowhere, iirc, in the documentation)

loads of embedded systems and other things that use gpg to verify signatures just check the exit status (have fun parsing statusfd in a shell script!) but apparently they're all just holding it wrong

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