Lou Katz boosted

There is no red in this picture.
Your brain is filling the Red colour.
The picture is made entirely of light blue, black and white.
Zoom in and you'll see.

Lou Katz boosted

Organized right-wing groups starting violent confrontations with left-wing demonstrations to create a sense of chaos and get the state to intervene on their side is a little too on the nose for the 1920s and 1930s.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

So, why are so many executives and investors overlooking this very basic reality that code produced is code which must be maintained, and that an acceleration of code produced thanks to gen AI means ~more risk~, not just more $$$?

I have friends who are Principal Engineers asking themselves this very question right now.

And in response, I point us to the classic Upton Sinclair quote:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Lou Katz boosted

When your gay friends are stripped of their marriages, tell them you didn’t vote because you wanted to make a statement about Gaza.

Lou Katz boosted

I saw the original "Star Wars" the day after it premiered. A colleague of mine at the UCLA ARPANET lab and I walked over to Westwood to see it. As far as I'm concerned, the single best scene in the ENTIRE Star Wars franchise to date was the opening sequence of the star destroyer coming into frame overhead, that just went on and on and on ...

Lou Katz boosted

We’ve analyzed the House version of KOSA, and unsurprisingly, it is just as dangerous as the Senate version. It’s crucial everyone who cares about digital rights continue to oppose it. eff.org/deeplinks/2024/05/us-v

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Fifty years ago Star Wars and Star Trek were about very different things. Star Wars was about how there is good and there is evil. Star Trek was about how often when humans see evil, what they are really seeing is their own failure to understand.

Today Star Wars and Star Trek are about the same thing, which is quarterly earnings

Lou Katz boosted

Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.
-- Bertrand Russell

#anarchism #quote #bot

Lou Katz boosted

Who knew all these college campuses had oil under them.

Lou Katz boosted

This is my yearly reminder that while many celebrate today as a Star Wars holiday, for me May the 4th is first and foremost the anniversary of the day that National Guardsmen shot and killed four college students protesting at Kent State University.

This year it seems particularly important to remember.


Lou Katz boosted

Once again, I am asking for Canada to have enough trains that we can have novelty trains, as opposed to where we are now, that trains are a novelty.


Lou Katz boosted

This narrative is the same for every violent clash at protests in the past ~seven years (maybe longer, idk): a leftist group is peacefully protesting, a right-wing group shows up and openly assaults the protesters for *hours*, and police watch and do nothing. At this point it’s a playbook being run by the violent right and police in implicit coordination. nytimes.com/interactive/2024/0

Lou Katz boosted

If build messages were 100% honest:

"Generating locales you will never, ever use. This may take a while."

Lou Katz boosted

Good morning Blackhawk helicopter. Why do I only see military helicopters in NYC when there is a protest movement going strong?

EDIT: The answer is "confirmation bias"

Lou Katz boosted

As I told Brian Tyler Cohen, I don't compromise with Republicans because there is no middle ground between an arsonist and a firefighter. youtube.com/watch?v=nO2nyimwCE

Lou Katz boosted

While accurate data is hard to assemble, it now looks like around 8-10% of people who are 'self-paying' for private medical treatment are borrowing the money.

As the Tory defunding strategy has pushed more people into the arms of private healthcare so their chums in financial services are also starting to garner some more business.

That desperate people are being forced into indebtedness to pay for treatment is a sad confirmation of the Tory's strategy of wrecking the NHS.

#health #debt

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted


Ukraine, a sovereign and democratic country, has had to endure 800 days of death, destruction, and despair.

All in the name of FREEDOM and the chance of a better life for their children.

Please repost this message and support their struggle against Putin's murderous regime!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews

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