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Lou Katz boosted

#DoorDash just started making everyone's accounts

*******and purchases public by default******

Opt out, not in. Likely because they company is run by sociopaths.

You might want to shut this off in your profile. If you know anyone who works in management at DoorDash, consider tossing them into your nearest black hole. #privacy

Lou Katz boosted

The Google Search API leak is almost certainly the real thing -- and it reveals new depths of dishonesty and contempt for Internet users' privacy.

Lou Katz boosted

#PayPal is building an ad network based on your #Venmo data

Quoting: “If you’re someone who’s buying products on the web, we know who is buying the products where, and we can leverage the #data..."

They will collect this data by default - users will have to opt-out.

#privacy #privacymatters

Lou Katz boosted

Why you should never fill in the backstory from @pluralistic The best case for me was when the Doctor Who writers finally succumbed to the temptation to show the Time Lords on Gallifrey, who turned out to be about as exciting as the UK House of Lords

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

There are few professions I respect more than librarians. We need them.

Lou Katz boosted

What Nikki Haley did, signing artillery shells intended to blow up human beings, is akin to Noem shooting her dog and putting that in her book. These people are sociopaths.

Lou Katz boosted

I think the one reason why I’m voting enthusiastically for the fuckers facilitating genocide is this: the last fucker tried a coup and wants to get rid of any checks on his power.

I would like to be able to vote again in 2 years. Things can get worse, and they absolutely will get much worse for literally everyone under a Republican administration.


Lou Katz boosted

WOW this is incredible & terrifying.

Israel spent over a decade spying on ICC prosecutors to "retroactively investigate incidents of interest to ICC to prove Israel’s legal system is accountable."

Meanwhile Israel has banned all journalists from Gaza and has killed 100+ journalists. This is totally what you do when you're not guilty of war crimes.

How much longer will the USA, UN, & the world enable this injustice?

Lou Katz boosted

"Learn how you can use #AI to give your projects that personal, human touch"

"My new AI meditation app does all my meditating for me, freeing me up to work as many hours as I can"

"I used AI to write my CV/resume and got the first job I applied for. And although I don't possess any of the skills/qualifications on my CV, AI has give me the confidence to believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it."

Lou Katz boosted


Because there are always pregnant people, the average number of skeletons in a body is greater than one

Lou Katz boosted

Massive leak at #Google confirms what we have all known for years, just how much is tracked, stored, and monetized.

Even clearer now how Chrome tracks and reports EVERYTHING you do. For heavens' sake delete it now and move to Firefox

Also they've outright lied for years about their data collection and search practices.

Looks like 'Don't be evil' wasn't enough. ;)

Just, get off Google products already!

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Tonight's discovery: in the US, the symbol for healthcare and medicine is snakes wound around a winged staff, right? A caduceus, the symbol of Asclepius, the rod he carried as the god of healing?

Well... no. The rod of Asclepius only has one snake. The caduceus, with its two snakes, is a symbol of Hermes, the god of commerce.

This explains quite a lot.

(all credit to Wikipedia:

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

“…the Supreme Court has no army. You have no police; you lack all mechanisms of enforcement. Your authority depends on America’s trust in the rule of law, which you are allowing Justices Alito and Thomas to mock.”

Letter from Sabrina Haake, a 25 year litigator specializing in 1st and 14th Amendment defense, to Chief Justice Roberts.


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

"In the attorney general’s office’s response to the litigation, a timeline is laid out. In its second document production, Washington University gave the attorney general a list of patients in a spreadsheet. “The supplemental production included a spreadsheet titled ‘Transgender Patient data,’” the attorney general’s office wrote. “Which included various workbooks chronicling patient names, encounters and medications, among other information.”

Lou Katz boosted

"In the attorney general’s office’s response to the litigation, a timeline is laid out. In its second document production, Washington University gave the attorney general a list of patients in a spreadsheet. “The supplemental production included a spreadsheet titled ‘Transgender Patient data,’” the attorney general’s office wrote. “Which included various workbooks chronicling patient names, encounters and medications, among other information.”

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