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Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Just a reminder that if New York law enforcement had been doing its job decades ago -- among countless infuriating what-ifs -- the world would have been spared his malign presence in the past decade.

Lou Katz boosted

@Wolven Another way of putting it is that elderly Florida man who is running for office was convicted all 34 felony counts, still faces 54 counts in other cases.

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Guilty verdict here also may affect Trump’s ability to get loans to prop up his shaky businesses and finances

He’s now not only a convicted felon — it’s a felony involving fraud and deceit — huge red flag for loan applications and likely a total dealbreaker

Lou Katz boosted

The average American President now has 0.74 felony convictions, up from yesterday’s all time low of 0.

Lou Katz boosted

Spare a thought for the brave jurors in the Trump trial today. Trump is a vindictive narcissist.

#Trump #TrumpTrial #Guilty

Lou Katz boosted

Update: Florida was one of four states with a lifetime ban, the others being Iowa, Kentucky and Virginia. On November 6, 2018, 65% of Florida voters approved Amendment 4, which automatically restores the voting rights of people convicted of a felony—except murder or sexual offenses—after the completion of their sentences.


Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

You know Trump is yelling at his lawyers right now about how if they hadn't talked him out of testifying he'd have been acquitted.

Lou Katz boosted

As usual, Josh Marshall carves to the heart of the Alito corruption: "At this point the scandal is less his conflicts or his lying or even his apparent support for the insurrection. It’s the confident imperviousness to any accountability in itself."

Meanwhile, the chief "justice" of the court reinforced that contempt for accountability by saying he would do nothing about Alito's (or Thomas') corruption.

Also as usual, the Democrats hide, whimpering, in the corner.

Lou Katz boosted

I know a *little* bit more about American politics than the average bear, and the only thing I’m comfortable assuming about this is:

Anyone who speaks with certainty about what is going to happen in the next five and a half months is full of crap.

#Trump #Guilty #Election2024

Lou Katz boosted

A group of ordinary citizens plucked from the masses sat in judgment over one who had been and could yet again become the most powerful person on the planet and returned a conviction.

A momentous victory for the rule of law and the idea that all citizens are equal before the law.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #law #trump

Lou Katz boosted

This felony conviction is the only thing Trump has actually earned in his entire life.

Lou Katz boosted

Justice Alito can apparently make decisions for every single woman in the country except his wife.

Lou Katz boosted

The U.S. Secret Service is now protecting a convicted felon. Another first!

Lou Katz boosted
Lou Katz boosted

Cue “rigged juror ballots” in 3… 2… 1…

Lou Katz boosted

One of the most fundamental yet little-known features of FreeBSD is its ability to be used in read-only mode very easily. By installing the system on a UFS file system, you just need to modify the fstab file, change "rw" to "ro," and reboot. On the next boot, the system will automatically create mount points in RAM for the main directories (/tmp, log, etc.), and it will run perfectly.

This was the main reason why, many years ago, I chose FreeBSD for almost all my embedded systems. Even today, on my Raspberry Pies, I keep the SD cards in read-only mode and use external storage in read-write mode. This ensures that, in case of an unexpected poweroff, the system will come back up, and there will be no wear on the memory card.

#FreeBSD #EmbeddedSystems #RaspberryPi #ReadOnly #SysAdmin #Tech #OpenSource

Lou Katz boosted

President Carter put his peanut farm in a blind trust before taking office, to avoid conflicts of interest.

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